Karma Dishoom Logo Symbolism

Old Logo Symbolism:

Karma Dishoom logo Symbolism: Our new Karma Dishoom logo is a combine of a hard-hitting fist rising to act against apathy and revolt against wrongs, a watchful eye to discover Real Heroes and expose wrongs and wrongdoers, and a PEN THAT IS MIGHTIER THAN A SWORD and shall never falter to RIGHT every WRONG and WRITE AGAINST WRONGS. That in a nutshell is our ethical journalistic code at Karma Dishoom “Take stands against all wrongs, Speak Out and PUNCH WRONGS WHERE IT HURTS by walking the path of TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS.”

The iDishoom logo shows a hard hitting punch that breaks though the cluttered, biased news and noise of newspapers and all media, where real true stories get ignore and paid propaganda is published. The logo symbolizes that we will hit hard against all wrongs and wrong doers, with courage of conviction. Once we know that a wrong has been done, no matter who you are and what your power and stature may be, we will stand up and speak out against you to make a hard, hitting impact. The iDishoom logo symbolises our mission, vision and values and epitomises our penchant to seek, discover and uncover the truth. Satyameva Jayate (Only Truth will Triumph) is India’s motto and it is time to reclaim and preserve the truth.

Important note: Understanding our tagline – “moJOsh Inspirator, RIGHT every WRONG”: moJOsh Inspirators are our Ordinary Everyday Real, Unsung, Unheard, Uncommon Citizen-Heroes from around the world, who are making a difference and changing our world for the better, with their EXTRAORDINARY ACTIONS (KARMA). Our Founders were the first to celebrate and felicitate Real Heroes and take their stories to over 5 million people in corporate trainings, 2 million of children and several Educators, Teachers, School-Owners, Parents to inspire action against apathy. moJOsh Inspirator is also a book series and Life, Leadership and Learning2Learn lessons framework as explained in ourmoJOsh Inspirator link. The moJOsh Inspirator learning will impact 10s of million students and young leaders over the next 5 years.

The title moJOsh Inspirator are indigenously coined words and a thoughtfully designed life, leadership and learning2learn lessons and stem from mojo ( a word that has its roots in Africa), Josh (a word that has its roots in India) and Inspirator.

moJO – Kindle and rekindle your inner fire, your everlasting audacious spirit, your positive energy and unlimited heroic potential;

JOsh – Unleash your happiness, zealous excitement, and creative enthusiasm; and

Inspirator – Share and enable inspiration in others, with a mindful joy of giving and junoon (Heroic Passion).

These are term coined and created by the founders of Karma Dishoom) who also created and founded Global movements like International Confederation of NGOs (iCONGO), Individual Social Responsibility (ISR), Public-Private-People Partnership, RIGHT every WRONG, REX- Not Just Talks; Ideas For Action, REX Karmaveer Global Fellowship, REX Karmaveer Education Change Champions, REX Karmaveer Global Youth Fellowship, REX Karmaveer Global Scholars Fellowship (International Volunteering & Life-Skilling League), Karmaveer Puraskaar awards, Karmaveer Chakra Awards in association with the United Nations (UN), One Billion Rising in association with international playwrights/crusaders Eve Ensler, Mahabanoo Kotwal, Kaizaad Kotwal, and Vagina Monologues team, One Billion Hungry with the UN World Food Program, Swachh Bharat Mission and The JOY OF GIVING which was our flagship program launched in 2003 and is now adopted the world over in different forms.